CESOL is an Association of Persons and Companies, independent and non-profit, in the service of welding and other technologies union. The organization specializes in information, certification of people, products and processes, training, advice and technical assistance to industries that use welding and other technologies union. CESOL currently has 11 employees on the payroll.
CESOL maintains permanent relations with virtually all Associations and National Institutes with similar characteristics throughout the world, either directly or through organizations: EWF, which is a member and IIW, providing one of the representatives in their national governing bodies.
The Ministry of Fomento of Spain is in full contact with CESOL, awarding the entity within the terms of the project, as can be seen in the support letter attached to this document, signed by the Manager in charge for the implementation of EN 1090 harmonized standard as National body.
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WF is an European non-profit association which principal aims are:
- to collaborate in the study and solution of welding-related problems encountered within its fields of competence;
- to encourage projects for cooperative research and contribute to the removal of technical barriers;
- to provide the exchange for scientific and technical information;
- to prepare harmonised rules for the education and training of personnel involved in welding, joining and related technologies;
- to act as the representative of the welding community in Europe.
EWF, along with the relevant national welding organizations of 31 European countries, has made great efforts in updating and harmonization of training and education in the field of welding technology. It was a pioneer organisation in education and qualification, developing the first truly harmonized scheme embracing the European countries for the training of personnel at all levels, from crafts people to professional engineers.
It started in the 1980’s an analysis of the existing levels of education in welding in the EU and EFTA countries and, upon the results, it was possible to define common harmonised levels of education, training and qualification.
Aware of the importance of the mobility of labour within Europe, a lot of work has been put on the harmonisation of a standard examination system, to ensure that welding personnel trained in the EWF system is examined in a uniform way, allowing the implementation of the developed Certification system where the recognition of personnel skills is able according to the same minimum standard.
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ISQ is a private, non-profit and independent technological institution founded in 1965 and actually runs operations in more than 30 countries across the world (EU, Eastern Europe, Africa, Americas and Asia), offering its experience in technical inspections, technical assistance for engineering projects, consultancy services and training activities, supported by transversal research and development activities and by 23 accredited laboratories (e.g.: chemical, bio and agro testing, non-destructive testing, Aerospatiale, etc).
ISQ has presently more than 1000 collaborators in Portugal, being the biggest Portuguese technological infrastructure and the second biggest VET player in Portugal, with branches in all Portuguese regions and in more than 40 countries all over the world.
ISQ also deliver to the Ministry of Labour and Employment, new Qualification Standards for new emergent jobs of updated skills in traditional jobs, focused on business market needs and business market intelligence. Tailor made training solutions are also design for youth and adult employment, relying on work based solutions. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Entrepreneurship are also key areas at ISQ training services, focus of many recent studies and projects, being presently the coordinator of largest national network of Corporate Social Responsibility (with more than 250 member-organisations, www.rsopt.com).
Social inclusion projects for disadvantage groups are also on ISQ core business aiming different target groups (women, youngsters in risk, NEETS, adults long term unemployed, prisoners, handicapped, etc).
ISQ is also an accredited body for training of trainers and teachers. ISQ is also accredited to certify people according to ISO 17.025.
ISQ is accredited for training services and training of trainers and is certified under Quality, Environmental and Safety management model according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards.
For that propose, ISQ conducts Research and Development activities (R&D), promoting projects with national and international partners, from both public and private sector, aiming at continuous product and process innovation.
ISQ is Board member of EVBB (European association of VET Centers) and is member of SOLIDAR (European Association for Social Justice in Europe) and belongs to the National Commission for Quality in Education and VET.
ISQ belong also to ECVET national expert group and delivers ECVET workshops to different stakeholders in Portugal and in Europe.
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The Italian Institute of Welding Group is constituted by the Italian Institute of Welding -a non profit Association- and three limited companies: IIS CERT, IIS PROGRESS and IIS SERVICEsolely owned by the Italian Institute of Welding.
The IIS Group is characterized by a multidisciplinary and versatile structure, consisting of operating divisions specialized in different areas of expertise, offering comprehensive services in many industries, such as oil & gas, civil and industrial infrastructures, power generation, transportation, chemical, electromechanical and manufacturing, in Italy and abroad.
The IIS Group currently employs about 230 people.
The Italian Institute of Welding operates for its institutional purposes of dissemination of knowledge in the field of welding and incorporates staff functions for the entire Group.
Our know-how and expertise in the field of joining has been built since 1948 by generations of highly motivated technicians and engineers: a long journey always undertaken with impartiality and integrity.
We want this will remain available to both the benefit of industry and anyone who strives to actively contribute to technological advancement, protecting HSE fundamental principles.
Our Mission
The IIS Group still upholds as priority the primary objective that has distinguished it since its establishment: namely the aim to increase, spread and adopt know how in every area of the market its business arms operate in, in strict keeping with the brand original mission statement.
As such the IIS Group strives to become the first leader choice in Italy and abroad for the provision of services in education and training, technical and scientific support, engineering, diagnostics and NDT, laboratory testing, certification services, designed to ensure the expected requirements in quality, safety, reliability and availability of welded components and structures, industrial systems and plants.
The distinctive values to which the IIS Group is inspired include:
-the spread of knowledge,
-in all relations with its Clients
-in consistently pursuing long term relationships with Clients, partners, suppliers and staff alike
-in providing our Clients with top quality professional services
-technical impartiality,
-in order to be acknowledged by all parties as fully independent and thereby consistently offering technical reference points highly regarded by -clients, competitors, institutions and market at large.
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Having more than 900 members, individuals, companies, research institutes and universities, ASR is a NGO aiming to promote welding and the allied processes through:
- research, development and innovation;
- acquisition, systematization and circulation of the scientific and technical knowledge in the field of welding by organizing scientific events;
- contacts between individuals and groups of specialists interested of the promotion of welding in the national economy;
- integration, in this field, in the scientific international community;
- promotion of the standardization at the international, European and national level;
- promotion of the application in industrial practice of modern welding processes;
- promotion of health, safety and environmental management in welding;
- definition, creation and management of a qualification and certification system for welding personnel.
ASR represents Romania at the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF), being also member of the International Institute of Welding( IIW).
As professional association ASR aims by all its activities to increase the level of qualification of the welding personnel in Romania by developing specific courses.
One of the ASR’s main activities related to the creation, development and implementation of a European/international system for qualification and certification of the personnel in the field of welding.
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