Project Co-funded by the European Union

The project is drawing to a close, with all planned transnational meetings being held. These meetings have taken place in each of the headquarters of the partners involved in the project:

  • Oeiras (PT) -  2014 November.
  • Madrid (ES) -  2015 April.
  • Genova (IT) - 2015 October.
  • Timisoara (RO) - 2016 May.
  • Oeiras (PT) - 2016 November

The activities carried out, and the results obtained, in the development of the SAT-EN 1090 project are:

  • Establishment of EU state of art report on the methodology and market requirements. Allowing a better understanding of the requirements, at National and European level, that the EN 1090 Standard will bring to industry in terms of the necessary Qualification of the employees.
  • Definition of the Project quality plan and evaluation strategy developed to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation, during project execution.
  • Marketing plan in which are describe the diffusion strategy in order to make known the project results.
  • Development of a comparative survey regarding the different NQFs and the EQF, which will be helpful in order to “place” the training objetct of the present project in one of the different level of the EQF.
  • Development of the “Mid-term Report” where the monitoring of the project results is done.
  • Definition of the training curriculum, guideline and European recommendations on which the course subject of the project is sustained.
  • Definition and development of training material support.
  • Definition and development of an online training platform. On this moment the platform is in English and Portuguese version, being the Spanish, Italian and Rumanian versions in phase of development.
  • Pilot courses, informative workshops, round tables, etc. held in each of the member countries of the consortium.